Wilderland is an ever changing enigma that takes grounding in its awesome past, the projects and people here & now and its limitless future potential
What is Wilderland about?
Here at Wilderland, we offer a unique education in land stewardship, cycles, seasons, biodiversity, intelligent gardening and living, managing and maintaining orchards, harvesting and processing fruits, vegetables, and medicines, and, more importantly, generating an income alongside living simply, intelligently, and sustainably together.
We strive to offer educational opportunities for all people that enrich lives, lending the confidence to try new things that engage with enthusiasm on the journey to live more simple holistic lives in tune with nature.
Wilderland is an environment where community and connection grow through shared work on the land that challenges people to get out of their comfort zone and engage in new activities around gardening. Product making, foraging and building with the intention of developing more mindful ways of living sustainably with less impact on our earth. There are many opportunities to get involved with projects or host workshops and offer to teach others skills. This is a dynamic environment that is ultimately defined by the people who are on the land. This is also an opportunity to learn about ourselves through relationships with others through communal living. Wilderland has always been a "nonintentional" community from its beginning which makes it unique and ever-evolving, alas the opportunity to learn to engage with a simple and intelligent way of living is its constant.

For more information on what projects are happening at wilderland now or how to get involved, check out out projects page
Dan and Ediths gift to the world - Wilderland
When Dan and Edith Hansen passed Wilderland on to a trust, these were the principles that were outlined and are the legacy they left behind that we actively uphold:
(1) To provide the environment, facilities and resources necessary for the whole education and development of people (children, youths and adults) and to maintain an open response to whosoever would wish to
learn. (While the value of academic, technical and economic skills are readily to be recognised, the educational work of the trust should encompass pupils and teachers understanding relationship, this ability being seen as providing a life-long opportunity to learn and live happily).
(2) To advance and encourage education and the acquiring of skills including accepting pupils people wishing to learn practical techniques including orcharding, carpentering, beekeeping, organic gardening, machinery maintenance, welding, roadmaking, baking as well as retailing, artistic and cultural skills, and including the establishment and maintenance of a reference library.
(3) To carry out research and experimentation into methods of organic growing/biological control to promote ecological balance and good health and to participate in the introduction of new plants and the development of new food crops.
(4) To promote the discovery, development, and use of low-impact and renewable energy systems.
(5) To encourage personal creativity and initiative.
(6) To maintain any property of the Trust as an area for living free from drugs and as far as possible all harmful substances.
(7) To protect the purity and sustainability of the natural environment and in particular to facilitate the regeneration of native flora and fauna on land held under title or control of the Trust.
(8) To maintain and facilitate the further development of Wilderland as a common ground whereon people can come together simply as human beings undivided by status, nationality, race, culture, sex, religion or any ideology, such a meeting place being significant to whole education and the realisation of world peace.